Redesign and implementation of KanalKioskens restaurant website

Redesign and implementation of KanalKioskens restaurant website


In honor of added ownership to Sandvikens prestiged restaurant kanalkiosken, a new website design was in order for their restaurant.


(a) Learn, (b) Analyse, (c) Create. (a) i had to learn the core culture of the restaurant and what the owners envisioned their welcome page to speak for. (B) A set of guideliness for was implemented to identify what a website needed to attract the right market, strategical marketing and design trends were looked at. Wix was ultimately decided as the webdevelopment tool as it provides owners various different insight tools (SEO) and easy aswell as intuitive maintainabliity for the owners. (C) Weblayout followed the standard design process with two revisions with the client over different prototype websites. Testing and troubleshooting was then made before connecting the website to the their DNS (domain provider)


A colorfull website reflecting KanalKioskens well known culture equiped with all the information a visitor may need in order to plan their dinner. See their website at:


A colorfull website reflecting KanalKioskens well known culture equiped with all the information a visitor may need in order to plan their dinner. See their website at:




2022-05-15 - 2022-06-30



a.1 Graphic Design



Adobe Illustrator



